About Us

Gaulaxmi, a family-owned dairy farm nestled in the heart of the countryside, is dedicated to producing the finest quality milk. With a commitment to sustainable practices and animal welfare, we prioritize the well-being of our cows, ensuring they graze on lush pastures. Our passion for excellence extends to every aspect of our operation, from breeding to distribution. At Gaulaxmi, we believe in transparency and integrity, fostering trust with our community. With each bottle of milk, we deliver not just nourishment but also the essence of our heritage and values. Join us on our journey towards wholesome, responsibly sourced dairy products.
Gaulaxmi stands as a beacon of dairy excellence, rooted in tradition and innovation. Nestled amidst serene landscapes, our farm embodies a commitment to sustainable agriculture and animal welfare. Through meticulous breeding and compassionate care, we ensure the highest quality milk, rich in flavor and nutrients. Transparency and integrity are the cornerstones of our ethos, fostering trust within our community. From our pastures to your table, each drop of Gaulaxmi milk encapsulates our dedication to purity and goodness. Join us in savoring the essence of wholesome dairy, nurtured with love and respect for nature, for generations to come.

Introduction to Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj

Attempting to encapsulate the profound virtues of Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj, affectionately known as Babashri or Baba Maharaj, is a daunting task. His essence, marked by an intense love for Shri Radha Krishna and a deep understanding of Bhakti Ras across various Vaishnava Sampradayas, transcends the bounds of description. Each facet of his being eludes our comprehension and defies our attempts to fully articulate it. Yet, even in our humble endeavor, we hope to offer some insight to the readers.

The biography of Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj serves as a source of purification for us and the world at large. It is a privilege and honor to even attempt to introduce such a divine and pious soul, overflowing with the nectar of Braj Bhakti Ras. However, we acknowledge our inadequacy in capturing the entirety of his essence, as only he allows us to perceive what he chooses to reveal.

"Karani Karuna Sindhu Ki Mukha Kahat Na Aaway"

This phrase reflects the ineffability of Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj's virtues, likening them to an ocean of compassion that defies description.

Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj was born to Shri Baldev Prasad Shukla, affectionately known as Shukla Bhagwan, and Shrimati Hemeshwari Devi, passionately known as Mata Ji. His father, revered as Shukla Bhagwan, was renowned for his philanthropy, donating vast swathes of land to impoverished farmers and offering astrological services free of charge. His birth, predestined through divine intervention after his parents' fervent prayers to Lord Shiva, heralded the arrival of a luminous soul destined for spiritual greatness.

From a young age, Shri Baba Maharaj displayed exceptional intelligence and musical talent, completing his education at an early age and mastering various musical instruments. However, his heart yearned for the spiritual path, and despite the comforts of home, he felt a deep calling to Braj Bhoomi.

His journey led him to Barsana, the sacred birthplace of Shri Radha Rani, where he immersed himself in devotion and surrendered to the guidance of spiritual masters. In the secluded environs of Maan Mandir atop Brahmachal Parvat, amidst the dense forests of Gahvarvan, Shri Baba Maharaj found solace in the divine presence of Shri Radha Krishna.

Throughout his life, Shri Baba Maharaj has dedicated himself to the service and preservation of Braj Dham, undertaking monumental efforts to revive Bhagwan Naam Sankeertan, protect sacred kunds, halt illegal mining activities, and restore the purity of the Yamuna River.

His selfless devotion and unwavering faith in the divine grace of Shri Radha Krishna have inspired thousands to join him in his noble endeavors. Despite his monumental achievements, Shri Baba Maharaj remains humble, eschewing discipleship and relying solely on the divine providence of Shri Radha Rani.

His profound teachings, delivered through daily satsangs and discourses on scriptures, resonate deeply with seekers of truth, drawing them closer to the divine love of Shri Radha Krishna.

In conclusion, the life and teachings of Shri Ramesh Baba Ji Maharaj defy adequate description, for his essence transcends words and can only be truly understood through the heart's pure devotion.